Humane Global Network is a corporate organization saddle with the sole responsibilities of working to ensure we have good environment that is conducive for both man and animals. Our vision cut across giving lectures on  Animal Rights, Conservation, Environment, ETC. Humane Global Network fosters compassion and respect for all living beings and the environment through our humane education.

We also provide public awareness through public tours and events that focus on the issue faced when dealing with humane, Nutrition, and environment.

We provide a safe educational and recreational venue where people of all ages can learn from the animals. We also empower people and promote cruelty free choices we educate them to take a stand and make a change. We are committed to encouraging people around us to engage in a healthy free life style.

Humane Global Network was initially and fully registered as a Social Enterprise in the year 2018 with the Corporate Affairs Commission. We have our operating office in Lagos


To develop a more humane community through education. We encompass all forms of education concerning community, environmental issues and the welfare of animals, recognizing the interdependence of all living things, utilizing value based education that develops sensitivity to all life, an appreciation of diversity and tolerance of difference which encourages children to become more emphatic and compassionate in order to learn to live with greater respect for everyone. To promote the knowledge, understanding, skills, attitudes and values related to human involvement in the lives of animals. Our education outreach programmes engages schools, camps and aft er school programme in a fun and exciting ways to learn about being compassionate. We do a lot of work with local schools, educating and encouraging an interest in conservation and the natural world.

We run a number of programmes in Humane Global Network which include extensive lessons plans covering teaching humane education, nutrition, environmental issues, and social justice through in-classroom instruction/presentations, materials, advice, online resources, and service learning programs which constitute part of our mission. Our humane programme is designed in such a way that is interactive and it promotes a safer, more compassionate community for its human and non human inhabitants. The benefit for teaching humane education is to reduce violence, builds moral character, create responsible and caring citizens, empowers youth to make a difference, and cultivate empathy for animals.

We are a humane intervention organization that works with children who have been the victims or have witnessed violence, neglect and abuse, and who now reside in this terrible environment. We are set to raise global issues on humane and health. At Humane Global Network, kids don’t just learn about nature, they learn to interact with nature. We work alongside local authorities, schools and community groups, implementing humane education programs by educating our children and youth in humane education. We are teaching them the value of kindness toward one another, animals and the environment, and shaping attitudes towards different cultural and human right issues. It provides students with an opportunity to integrate qualities such as compassion, tolerance, and integrity in their daily lives. We as a global society will undoubtedly heed as we look into our future.

However teaching humane education is founded upon the belief that human rights, environmental preservation, and animal protection are integral aspects of a just, peaceful, and healthy world- and that we are all capable of and responsible for creating such a world.
We share a passion for education as key to creating a better world and bring the knowledge and tools of humane education to whatever work, activism and citizen efforts we pursue. We are innovative social change makers who apply our skills and talent across a broad range of fields, and have brought humane education to schools, classrooms and community groups, and businesses.

Humane Global Network promotes the delivery of humane education in Africa. We work together to improve the delivery of humane education to children and adults. We believe that humane education is the key to reversing the problem of over population and abuse in our society. We believe teaching kids to have empathy for all beings is a big step towards building a better, more compassionate world.

Humane Education promotes the following outcomes

• It creates more tolerant and compassionate members of our greater community.
• It cultivates empathy for animals, and as a result decreases animal abuse In our society.
• It helps to reduce and prevent violence in schools, at home and also encourage the students to strive for a sustainable society while protecting natural resources and the environment.
• It empowers youth to live compassionate lives and foster a sense of responsibility for children to act upon their personal belief
• Provide accurate information about the interrelated issues of human rights, environment preservation, animal protection, and culture
• Teaching critical thinking so students can discern fact from opinion and resist forms of manipulation, whether from advertising, media, peers, or social norms
• Inspiring the 3Rs of reverence, respect, and responsibility so students will have both the passion for, and the commitment to, bringing about positive change.
• Offering choices for both individual decision making and group problem solving so that students can become part of a growing effort to develop sustainable, peaceful, and humane systems by which to live”.

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